In a nutshell: yes!
Here are three quick reasons why it is important to have your piano tuned at least once every 12 months even if you are not playing it regularly.
1. Any problems or concerns ill be caught early. It might be easy to think you dont need to tune the piano if you are not playing it. However in doing this you are risking big problems getting out of hand that if you're piano tuner had seen they could have prevented or fixed early. This could cost you more money in the future so it is worth staying in contact with your local piano tuner to protect your investment.
2. An out of tune piano sounds terrible. If you do decide to sit down and play there is nothing that will get you up again faster than a bad sounding piano. They are not enjoyable to play, or frankly to listen to! Keep you piano in tune ready for the next time you want to play so that you know that you will enjoy it.
3. It is bad for the overall health and longevity of the instrument. Even if no big problems arise it is not wise to stop having your piano tuned. The pitch of the instrument will drop over time as the strings relax and loose tension. This changes the pressures throughout the whole piano and is time consuming and costly to fix, but also might cause structural damages if you try! Strings break, wrest planks pull down, and bridges pop off. Keep your piano tuned and at pitch to avoid potentially harming the instrument much more significantly than you imagine.
We hope this quick article has helped on Do I Need To Tune My Piano Even Though I Don't Play?